Supporting local communities in the development of their handicraft marketing and value chain strategy
July 24, 2021Launch of a Natural Resources Management plan as part of our community handicraft program
August 22, 2021Our entire full-time staff (9 persons) have been fully vaccinated, thanks to the efficient roll-out of vaccinations implemented in Laos since earlier this year 2021. Since then, all our activities have resumed, with the same focus, motivation and hard work.
Indeed, our handicraft alternative livelihood project has being going really well including monthly monitoring and evaluation missions into the pilot villages; our research field officers have been implementing field work as part of our consultancy collaboration with WWF-Laos and monitoring of our canopy camera-traps; and we resumed the financial support of 6 anti-poaching patrol teams (36 villagers from the local communities) as part of an agreement with the Nakai – Nam Theun National Park. In addition to all our on-the-ground activities, we also have been busy with working on several publications that will be published later this year, as well as the follow-up or development of on-going or new exciting projects!
Despite the challenges, our team remains as dedicated as ever to the biodiversity conservation in the Annamite Mountains of Laos, including the support of local communities’ livelihoods.