Our Annual Report 2022 is Out!
January 30, 2023Updates from our collaborative project to study the population of the Endangered Wolf Barb fish in Nakai-Nam Theun National Park
February 20, 2023On the 27th January 2022, we invited local government partners from Khammouan Province and Nakai District to present Association Anoulak’s Annual Report 2022. The meeting brought together 39 (13 women) from several offices (Provincial Agriculture and Forestry Office; Provincial Industry and Commerce Office; Nakai Governor Office; Nakai-Nam Theun National Park Office; District Agriculture and Forestry Office; District Office of Natural Resources and Environment; District Industry and Commerce Office; District Youth Union Office; District Lao Women Union; District Information and Culture Office; District Education and Sport Office; District Tourism Office; Village authority and chiefs from Thaphaibanh Cluster).
Dr. Camille Coudrat presented Association Anoulak’s Annual Report 2022 with an overview of all activities implemented during the year 2022. This was followed by a presentation from Association Anoulak’s Community Programs Manager Dr. Lampheuy providing an overview of the sustainable community livelihoods development program implemented by Association Anoulak over the last 3 years (2020-2023).
In addition, it was officially announced at the meeting (following previous consultations with partners) that from 2023, Association Anoulak signed an Memorandum of Agreement with the National University of Laos to oversee and collaborate in our research programs and projects. It was also announced during the meeting that our sustainable community livelihoods development was extended for another three years (2023-2025) as the second phase of the project to follow up on the first phase and ensure the long-term sustainability of the project, independently from Anoulak’s intervention by the end of the program. This will be overseen at the district level by the Nakai Governor Office and District Agriculture and Forestry Office, following the signature of a new agreement with the local partners in the next few weeks. The national park will remain one of the coordinators for projects implementation within the park.These new agreements provide great opportunities for future Anoulak’s programs!
All government partners provided positive feedback and praised Association Anoulak for its past achievements, notably in terms of the capacity building that we provide to local communities and local partners.